St Mary, Graveley
Sunday services are held every week at 11.30 am according to the following pattern:
- 1st Sunday – Service of the Word
- 2nd Sunday – Holy Communion with choir
- 3rd Sunday – Service of the Word
- 4th Sunday – Short service of Holy Communion following the Book of Common Prayer
- 5th Sunday – Joint Benefice Service of the Word at 10.30am – alternating venues with St Nicholas.
Please check the church calendar for where we will be meeting.
Each service includes hymns, prayers, Bible readings and a talk. Refreshments are served on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays.
St Nicholas
Our Sunday service is at 9:30am each week. Each service includes hymns and songs, readings from the Bible, prayers, a time of confession and a talk from the Bible to help us understand what God has to say to us today. The service lasts around 75 minutes, and coffee and tea are served after each service.
Each week there are age-appropriate groups for children, although children are most welcome to stay in the main service with their parents.
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of any month we also share communion (sometimes called the Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper). During the Interregnum, on the 5th Sunday we will have a joint Benefice Service of the Word at 10.30am, alternating between St Nicholas and St Mary’s. Please check the church calendar for where we will be meeting.
The Church is equipped with an accessible toilet and changing facilities are available.
The link to our YouTube page: